“Your people will rebuild long-deserted ruins, building anew on foundations laid long before you. You will be known as repairers of the Cities and Restorers of Communities.”
— Isaiah 58:12

Rebuild Conference 2024

Rebuild 2024 is all about our HEART, MIND, SOUL, and STRENGTH. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey with us. We're not your average conference, and that's what makes us so special.

From fun games to yummy food, gift baskets, new friends, and heart-filled worship, we have it all.

Let’s not forget the amazing speakers we have this year who set stages on fire with truth and love. This year is going to be amazing and we want you to have the ultimate experience and be part of all the fun and frolic we have planned.

Get Ready for 2025! Conference Details Coming Soon!

Get Ready for 2025! Conference Details Coming Soon! ⋆


“I struggled with Depression and Loneliness but at rebuild, during worship, something just lifted of me and I felt free and like I could breathe again.”


“Before the session last year, I was struggling deeply. I struggled with pornography and a feeling of being worthless as well. I found myself consistently returning to specific pictures a lot. It almost felt impossible to stay away from. I also found myself thinking very often of taking my life. I had a few ideas of how to accomplish it as well. It had come to the point that I didn’t feel capable of praying about it even. I prayed for others but always at a distance. It wasn’t until after the meeting that I realized something had changed. I didn’t need to look at the images and more importantly, found that I didn’t want to. The suicidal thoughts had become overwhelming and shortly after the meeting I no longer struggled with this either. Before the meeting, I would think that I wouldn’t take my life because I couldn’t set that example for my children. Now I can say that I don’t want to. I will say it is a constant decision. I have to choose to stay close to God, I have to choose to pray, I have to choose to read the Bible. When I don’t choose this relationship I notice that my struggles begin to come up again. The power to do the right thing has made such a difference and grows the more I put my relationship with God first.

Mike O

“I was at a rebuild and for a year I had a broken finger that was taking a lot of time to heal and during worship, I told God that I would like to be healed and the next thing I know is I moved my fingers that had been and there was no pain and I could move it and everything was healed .”

~ Anonymus

Our Sponsors / Partners

We are here for you!

  • Every year we have Rebuild Conference to encourage, empower and help young people encounter Jesus in a very real way, make memories and make new friends that share similar life experiences or God encounters. We believe that by the word of our (your) testimonies others (we) are encouraged.

  • Do you have a question?

    Call or message us on 509-970-1231


    We may have an answer. This is the honest truth, not all of life’s problems have answers but we will always point you back to Jesus and the Bible for wise counsel and guidance. We also have leaders and Pastors that we will redirect you to if you want to be connected. We believe in free choice and it is our Motto that every decision you make is one that is driven by your own personal convictions. We are merely here to testify of how Jesus and the Holy Spirit guide us as leaders and pastors and how that could be something you can try for yourself as well.

  • We strongly believe that being connected to a church body not only helps us grow in understanding of the scriptures but also in building relationships and friendships that can be strong foundations for times when life can get dark and difficult. Cultivating strong friendships that keep us rooted in Jesus and the word of God is so important for a healthy life, that has mountain tops and valley experiences. We believe that unity is key to overcoming hardships. At Rebuild we stand with those that need us and encourage everyone to be plugged in and connected to their local church and leaders. If you don’t have a place contact us and we will direct you to the nearest connection we have to you.


Welcome to Rebuild Conferences

Get ready to shake things up and make some real waves. We're here to inspire you and help you rebuild your future or maybe point you in the direction we know best that has worked for us. If you have any questions send us an email and we will respond asap.